Les séminaires
Séminaire Rafal Dunin-Borkowski | Exploring the nano-world with electrons
Ernst Ruska-Centre (ER-C) for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons Head of the Physics of Nanoscale Systems Division
Transmission electron microscopy has been revolutionized in recent years, both by the introduction of new hardware such field-emission electron guns, aberration correctors and in situ stages and by the development of new techniques that take advantage of increased computational speed and the ability to control and automate modern electron microscopes. In this talk, I will describe how electron microscopy can be used to obtain quantitative information about not only local variations in microstructure and composition in materials, but also about the static and dynamic properties of a wide variety of nanoscale magnetic textures. I will present examples of results obtained from studies of magnetic skyrmions, sub-100-nm vortex-like spin textures with particle-like properties that are of interest for future energy-efficient spintronic devices. The examples will include quantitative images of geometrically-confined magnetic skyrmions in nanoscale tracks and disks and twisted rope-like magnetic skyrmion braids. I will conclude with a personal perspective on future directions for the development of transmission electron microscopy, followed by a summary of recent progress towards creating a sustainable distributed research infrastructure for electron microscopy in Europe.
FCMAT 07/11/2023
Correspondant technique :
Baptiste Rigaud (baptiste.rigaud @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
01 44 27 62 49
Correspondants animation scientifique :
Cédric Lorthioir (cedric.lorthioir @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
01 44 27 71 43
Yannick Millot (yannick.millot @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
01 44 27 36 32
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Fernande Sarrazin (fernande.sarrazin @ sorbonne-universite.fr)